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The Essential Summer Cleaning Checklists for Schools


A few parents and young students walking in school hallways

As summer kicks into full gear for students, it’s a busy time of year for custodial teams working hard to ensure large projects are completed before the start of the school year. 

If you’re a school custodian, you are likely making a list and checking it twice to gather the supplies needed to make the floors look extra nice! Clean and bright flooring and carpeted surfaces not only make a great first impression but can help prevent the spread of contaminants, improve building occupant safety, and extend the overall life of your floors.

As your trusted partner in the education sector, we have developed two Essential Summer Cleaning Checklists for Schools to make your job more effective and more efficient.  

Are you looking for facility care insights and training from the industry’s top experts? At Envoy Solutions, we take a comprehensive approach to your facility care needs, including floor care, through our Essential 8 programs (for K-12 and Higher Education). Contact Envoy Solutions today for an in-depth analysis, and we will uncover areas of improvement throughout the building and deliver impactful solutions that will create a better place for people to work, live, play, and take pride in.

A contact us banner with two kids reading books on the school library carpeted floor